Sunday, September 9, 2012

Charlotte- 15 Months

So much has changed in the last 3 months. Some big milestones: - at 13 months you started to crawl - at 14 months you took your first steps. - just now, you are beginning to walk more and more and scoot or crawl less. You absolutely love to walk around with your baby doll in her stroller. It is so cute. You will circle the house with that stroller repeatedly! - you love to climb the stairs and we have to be so careful about making sure the gate is closed. You are starting to learn to crawl back down on your belly. You have had a verbal and understanding explosion. You say so many words and will repeat anything we say. You always yell "nack!" when you are hungry and tell all of us "no" when you want us to stop doing something. You talk with a southern drawl and it is too cute! You understand what we are telling or asking you and you will say "yes" or "no" to a question. You also follow commands. When we see you scooting or crawling we can tell you to stand up and walk and you will. It is amazing to watch! You know so many animals sounds and will repeat them. You say "roar" to lion and dinosaur. Our neighbors have an LSU flag with a tiger on their porch- every time we walk by you say "roar." You know cats "meow" and know dog "wuff wuff." You also know a cow says "moo" and will sometimes move you arm like an elephant's trunk. You are such a snuggle bug and love when we hold you and kiss you and hug you tight. You hug back as well, and give us kisses when we ask. You are growing way too fast, I just want to freeze time!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Montview Preschool

Brady started preschool today at Montview Preschool. It is a little preschool inside the Presbyterian Church close to our neighborhood. Brady will go Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 12:30-3:30. His teachers are Dina and Kris. Brady was ready to start his day.

Some family shots before we left for school:
Then, getting to school, meeting Ms. Dina, and settling into the daily routine:
There were zero tears. Brady just waived goodbye from his seat around the circle, and that was that! Brady is going to love preschool and we are excited to see him grow this year!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Jackson starts kindergarten today. He is going to Bill Roberts, which is about 3 blocks away. His teacher is Meg Torres. He was very excited to begin his journey this morning.

We also walk with our neighbors to school Here are Jackson, Jack (1st grade) and Mia (ECE 4) ready to begin the walk.
The local news was at Bill Roberts that morning so the beginning of school was a little hectic. But, we waited with Jackson and his new class until they all walked into the building. The three of us:
Some shots while lining up with his new classmates:
Jackson did shed some tears, which was surprising. However, we got a note from his teacher a couple of hours later and all the kids were doing great! I think it was a little harder on mom. I can't believe my baby boy is in kindergarten!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Charlotte loves her watermelon...just like Poppy! She is a true Savino!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Zoo Camp

Jackson had zoo camp this week. They get to explore the zoo everyday. He loved every minute. On the last day they had a little program where the kids did a little song. Jackson waiting with his group:

And his group singing:
Jackson is tucked in the corner on the left side. The boys are both excited because next summer Brady can go to zoo camp too!


Brady was outside for quite a while playing by himself one day. I finally went to go see what he was doing. This is what I found:

He lined up all his animals and was having so much fun playing with all of them!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


We went hiking with all the kiddos this weekend. We went to Eldorado Springs Canyon, right outside of Boulder. Charlotte getting ready with Daddy.

The boys off and exploring, with Dad and Charlotte:
At the trailhead:
Charlotte is ready to go:
Some hiking and exploring pictures:
Rare photos of mom and boys:
Dad and the kids:
A couple of the boys:
And we even got one of the whole family!
We really had such a great time. Hopefully there will be many more hiking trips in our future!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Silly Brady