Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Strike a Pose

We may have a future Heisman winner on our hands...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Snow Man

This morning Dustin and Jackson (mostly Dustin) built a snow man in the back yard.

The finished product:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Snow Storm and Sledding

Denver got its infamous March snow storm this week. We got about a foot of snow. Dustin got a snow day. So, once the worst was over we all bundled up and headed to the sledding hill.

Getting Brady bundled:

Enjoying the snow:

When I got to the sledding hill Jackson was flying down the hill (which was not small) face first on his tummy- all by himself. I was not happy about this. Apparently Jackson saw a big kid do this and refused to go down any other way. My child has no fear!

Taking a break for some animal crackers and cheerios:

Rainey got in on the fun and enjoyed the sledding as well:

One last time down the hill with Daddy:

Overall, a fun snow day for everyone!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One Month Old

Brady is a month old today. This month has flown by. He is doing great, eating well and sleeping well. That is pretty much what he does all day!! I honestly can't imagine him not being around. He is a joy!

Brady finally got his turn in the Einstein play gym. He enjoyed it for a little while:

And even enjoyed some tummy time. Such a sweetheart!


If you ask Caroline if Jackson is her friend she says: "no, he's a boy." I think it made Clay happy to hear that Caroline dislikes boys. But, check out these pictures. They were so cute together! I am pretty sure they are friends!

We bought Jackson this easel for Christmas and finally decided to get it out. It was a big hit!

I got this out for Brady but before I could put him in it, the big kids had to have their time. I am pretty sure Jackson hated this when he was a baby. It is amazing what they will play with when they have not seen the toy in a while...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Fun with the Watsons

More pictures of the kiddos enjoying themselves. We are going to miss them when they have to head back to Texas. Hopefully they will be back in Denver permanently next year!!

Playing with food:

Hanging with Rainey:

Hugging Caroline (this is Jackson's favorite thing to do these days although sometimes he end up tackling Caroline):

Just being cute:


My two favorite boys...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Night Night

The Watsons came back to Denver for a visit this week. Jackson is in hog heaven playing with Caroline and Rainey.

Jackson, Rainey and Caroline getting ready for night night.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

More Brady

My sweet little tree hugger...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hanging Out

Yes, Brady is still here and doing great! He just sleeps so much that I don't take as many pictures. Poor second child!

As an update, he is doing great. At 3 weeks he weighed 8 pounds, 7 oz. so he growing like a weed which is great! He has started sleeping more at night and gives me 4 and 5 hour stretches...which is so nice! Brady has a great temperament and tolerates his big brother well. I need to get some pictures of the two of them, but I can't turn my back on the boys because when I turn back around Jackson is laying on top of Brady giving hugs and kisses! It is cute but I look forward to Brady getting a little bigger so he can handle it a bit better!

My tired little guy...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Elmo Cape

When Grandma DemDay was here she bought Jackson an Elmo towel. He of course loves the towel and asks for it after every bath. Well, today Jackson woke up from his nap and insisted that he wear his Elmo towel. He is too cute!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Jackson loves playing with the rocks in the backyard. Today I found him putting rocks in the gutter. You really do have to watch him all the time!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Little Monkey Bizness

Today Jackson and I got out of the house for an outing to meet up with some friends while Grancy stayed with Brady. The place was a little too chaotic. But, Jackson managed to have a good time while we were there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I took Jackson to get his third haircut. His hair seems to grow so fast! These haircuts are a source of contention between Dustin and I because I like the long curls. I told the guy that I wanted it to still look somewhat shaggy just shorter. I didn't want to lose the curls! Here is what Jackson thought of his new haircut!

The haircut is actually fine and really makes Jackson look like a big boy! Here is one more picture of the little man and all his cuteness: