Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Goose

Grancy bought this goose (or duck as he calls it) for Jackson before he was born. Dustin and I decided he was probably the right age to enjoy it so we brought it out of storage. As you can see- he loved it:

And giving the goose a kiss:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our First Snow

We got our first snow of the season on Saturday (sorry Carolyn you just missed it). It was not that much snow, but Jackson saw the snow and was really excited to get out there and see what it was all about. He kept yelling "no, no, no" (he couldn't enunciate the "s"). However, once he was dressed and outside it was a different story...

He is starting to like the snow a little bit more- which is good!!!

Cheap Toys

We bought this bin to store clothes, but Jackson found it a new favorite toy was born.

Jackson is, of course, saying "cheese" in both pictures. He says "cheese" whenever he sees a camera...even if the person is not taking pictures of Jackson!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Family Leaves

Everyone left on Friday after a nice Thanksgiving together. Thank you guys for traveling to Denver to spend the holiday with us. We all had a wonderful time and can't wait to see everyone again.

We attempted to get some family photos before everyone left. Here are some of the best we could capture. Jackson saw suitcases and thought Dustin was leaving. This did not make it easy for Dustin to take pictures since Jackson wanted to be in Daddy's arms (in the last one Jackson is screaming):

Safely back in Daddy's arms. Here are a couple of self portraits (with Jackson saying "cheese"):

All is Right with the World

Well, all is right with the world. Here is Jackson Friday morning after learning that Texas prevailed: 49-9. Now the little man will be decked out in burnt orange next year!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A House Divided

As everyone knows, tension increases in the Aldridge household around Thanksgiving because that is when Texas plays A&M. Well, because Texas lost last year (and the year before) Jackson has been wearing A&M gear for the game. It was a stupid bet I made three years ago.

Here is Jackson on Thanksgiving and game day all decked out in his gear hanging out with Daddy and playing before the big game:

Here are Jackson and Daddy watching the game:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving- Family Arrives

Grandma and Grandpa Savino (DemDay and Poppy) came to visit along with Uncle Carlo and Aunt Carolyn for Thanksgiving. It was so great having family here and Jackson enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

I did not capture all the fun, but here is Uncle Carlo reading to Jackson:

Jackson and Poppy playing:

Uncle Carlo being silly in Jackson's tunnel. He looked like a giant Lifesaver, but Jackson thought it was hysterical:

Demday and Jackson playing ball:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Jackson and Ella are just like brother and sister. Here is Ella pinning Jackson and then giving him hugs. It is too funny. But, we will have to work on being gentle once Jackson's sibling arrives!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Visit from Grandma

Dustin and I had a wedding with many activities this weekend, so Grandma Savino (DemDay) came to watch Jackson for us. It was great having her here and Jackson really enjoyed their time. Thanks for helping us out...we really appreciate it!!

Hanging out Sunday morning while Daddy recovers on the couch:

And partaking in Jackson's favorite activities: mowing the lawn and reading!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lil Kickers

We enrolled Jackson in soccer. It is really just a good outlet to run around and get rid of some energy. But, they do work on some skills and use the ball. Jackson had a great time at his trial class. We offically start in December and can't wait. Plus, the outfit and new shoes were enough to convince me the soccer class was a good idea!

Kicking the ball and scoring his first goal:

Having a little fun after all the hard work: