Saturday, September 27, 2008

Snow Boots

In anticpation of the upcoming winter, we got Jackson a pair of new snow boots. Today he wanted to go outside and play and Dustin decided it was easier to put the snow boots on Jackson than to go find his normal shoes. At least he is getting some practice walking around in them! Plus, I think they certainly compliment the doggy pajamas. Poor kid!

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Guitar

Of course, Grandma and Grandpa spoiled Jackson. When I got home Jackson had several new toys, including this guitar. After such a fun weekend I felt bad for the poor kid just having to hang out with mom and dad!! Thank you guys so much for staying with him- we know Jackson loved every minute of it and Dustin and I enjoyed the vacation. Can't wait for you to do it again!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Zoo

The next day, Grandma, Grandpa and Jackson headed to the zoo. Jackson had so much fun. He loved the seeing all the animals and chasing the geese. But, I think he had the most fun feeding the birds with Grandpa.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Aldridge

Dustin and I decided we needed a vacation before baby #2 arrives, so I joined Dustin in Orlando before one of his conferences and Grandma and Grandpa Aldridge came to Denver for the weekend to watch the little man. They had so much fun together. On their first day together, they read and played at the park. Apparently, Grandma took all the pictures because they are all of Jackson and Grandpa.

Jackson also helped Grandpa work in the backyard.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mom & Tot Class

Today was Jackson and my first day at the new preschool for our mom & tot class. It was a lot of fun and most importantly Jackson had a great time. It really is a glorifed playdate, but you meet some fun people and then you get the edge when signing up for actual preschool classes next year. So that is the real bonus. Here is Jackson playing with playdough, at the water table and reading a book. Overall, a successful first day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Jackson is trying to learn how to drive a little early. Here he is playing in Daddy's rental car:

Jackson & Ella

We share a nanny with another family and they have a little girl, Ella. Jackson and Ella love each other and play great. Here are some pictures of the two of them playing and working on a puzzle.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Last Sunday, we all just hung out and goofed off. Here are some cute pictures of Jackson just hanging out and being silly.

And, of course, it was the first Sunday to watch football. Here are Jackson and Daddy hanging out and watching some games. (By the way, Jackson sat on the couch and watched football for about 1 minute...that is about as long as the child will sit still).

PS- For all the Aggie fans out there, don't worry Jackson has his A&M jersey and he will wear it this season as well. Plus, Grandma and Grandpa Aldridge sent another Aggie shirt for Jackson after Mommy showed favoritism this past weekend!! Thanks guys for looking out for those Aggies!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Horns!

Its that time of year again!

The Aquarium

With Dustin out of town, Jackson and I are trying to stay busy. Today we checked out the Dener Aquarium. Jackson enjoyed seeing all of the fish, but he may have had more fun playing outside with the bubbles.

Here is Jackson, enjoying the fish:

Outside plating with bubbles and the shark:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Play Gym

Today was a cold and rainy day in Denver so Jackson and I headed to an indoor play gym. Jackson had tons of fun and I think it wore him out- which was the goal!