Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Haircut

Jackson got his first haricut today. We thought it would be traumatic, but it went very smoothly. I think because Jackson was able to sit in a Mercedes and "drive" the whole time.


The Haircut:

All done and looking like a little boy:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bouncy Chair

This is where I found Jackson today, playing quietly by himself. I think we need to get him his own chair...or at least teach him how to share in time for the new baby. Wish us luck!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Jackson has always hated wearing hats on his head. You always had to find the ones that would tie under his chin. Then, he just decided he wanted to wear this hat, which he got from my friend Desiree. And he wore it all day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


We all headed down to Houston to visit family recently and Jackson and I stayed for 9 days! It was HOT. Jackson enjoyed his fist trip to the lake with his Grancy, Dan, Uncle Carlo, Uncle Dave, Aunt Laura and his cousins Rachel and Grace. He loved the boat and the jetskis. We need to get pictures of the lake since I forgot my camera!

We also visited Poppy and Demday and our friends Kay and Clay and their daughters, Caroline and Rainey.

Here are little man and his Daddy before he headed back to Denver

Jackson enjoying some snack time

Jackson at the Bellaire Pool that was SO much fun with water slides and playscapes

Jackson hanging out with Caroline and Rainey

Here are some more of Jackson just hanging out in Houston with Mommy, Poppy, Demday

We had so much fun with everone. I will post more pictures once I get them from Aunt Laura and Uncle Dave. We can't wait to see everyone again!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jazz at City Park

We went to City Park for a jazz concert. Jackson danced to the music, the weather was perfect and we all had a great time.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Post

Well, we have decided to join the blogging world to try and keep all of our family and far away friends up to date with what is happening here in Colorado. We will try and keep this up to date- at least better than I have been recently about sending out pictures of the little man. Hope you check it out and enjoy.